Hog Heaven pours a deep amber color with a tan, frothy head and good clarity. The aroma doesn't do anything to hide the powerful American hops with their citrus and spice qualities, or the more than 9% ABV with a moderate burn on the nostrils. The massive flavors that push through are no surprise, with an intense toffee sweetness up front that is quickly overcome by the aforementioned hops, lending their strong citrusy flavors and resinous bittering. Like many American barleywines, Hog Heaven could easily double as a well-made imperial IPA; however, to appreciate the barleywine's overall complexity and subtlety, and to see what sets this apart from a double IPA, lat the beer down for a year or two, then enjoy it with a sharp cheese like a Vella dry jack. With age, the sharp hop qualities will soften and the toffee notes will become much more pronounced.