DRAFT REVIEW: Old Numbskull

AleSmith brews so many beers with high ABVs, it's no surprise the brewery makes one of the best barleywines in the country. The aroma begins with ripe fruit, including wafts of raspberries, oranges, and raisins. A strong head helps to hold in these aromas and adds a nice touch to the dark, russet-color brew. The grain, which is roasted at a higher temperature, gives the beer its dark color and also adds molasses and candi sugar notes to savor. Old Numbskull is rich in flavor with a mild nuttiness that pairs with the strong fruit flavors. Darker dried fruits are the first flavor you will notice, but this is a very hop-forward brew, and the bitterness soon shines through. Pick up a few bottles of this favorite to age, and the mouthfeel should get slightly thicker, which will make this brew even better.