IPAs 13 ways
January/February 2012

IPAs are more than just bitter beasts; they can be forward, funky and fruity. Here’s our breakdown of the well-loved style.

1 English IPA: The OG IPA: Its moderate bitterness and earthy, fruity hops were revolutionary—in the 1800s.

2 Imperial IPA: A perpetual loud-mouth, this near-barleywine style spews a mélange of hop flavors, then obliterates the tongue with bitterness.

3 American IPA: Brasher than its English cousin, its aggressive bitterness and citrusy, piney hops redefined the style.

4 Wood-aged IPA: A wood barrel’s vanilla smoothes an IPA’s rough edges.

5 Single Hop IPA: This solo act showcases just one hop variety for hop connoisseurs.

6 Session IPA: This en vogue, low-ABV style lacks in malt, so its hop flavors stand out.

7 Wet Hop IPA: Hop porn in a bottle: Using freshly picked, “wet” hops preserves essential oils.

8 Spice/Herb/Vegetable IPA: Jasmine? Why not? This green thumb IPA’s brewed with garden ingredients.

9 White IPA: A Belgian witbier on hop steroids, this new style merges coriander and orange zest with piney, citrusy American hops.

10 Belgian IPA: Fruity, spicy Belgian yeast refines the brazenness of the style.

11 RED IPA: A fruity, toffee-laden malt cushion softens an IPA’s hop edge; think hoppy Irish red ale.

12 Brettanomyces IPA: As extreme as they come (so far), these beers blend the barnyard funk of Brettanomyces yeast with citrusy and piney hop profiles.

13 Black IPA: A dose of roasted malt sharpens the bitter bite of these dark, brooding beers.

Published January/February 2012