DRAFT REVIEW: Schlafly Biere de Garde
Schlafly Biere de Garde
The Saint Louis Brewing Co.
St. Louis, Missouri
Bière de Garde
ABV: 7.0%
IBU: 25
This hazy orange brew wears a soft blanket of white head. Classic musty yeast scents signal that this beer’s been cellared, adding a sense of age to the balanced aroma of toasty malts and orange hops. Very soft cracker flavors and quiet caramel sweetness stretch out while that familiar musty yeast flavor hovers above. As the beer moves down the tongue, peppery notes poke out through the malts. Juicy orange rises in the back before swift dryness and warming alcohol sweep the mouth. Hitting just about all the marks of a bière de garde, this flavorful, delicate beer is a perfect introduction to the style.
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