DRAFT REVIEW: Schlafly Reserve Oak-Aged Barleywine
Schlafly Reserve Oak-Aged Barleywine
The Saint Louis Brewing Co.
St. Louis, Missouri
Wood-Aged Beer
ABV: 10.2%
IBU: 75
From the color and aroma to the flavor profile, Schlafly Reserve is a fine example of a clean oak-barreled barleywine. Pouring a tarnished gold with an off-white head that retains its form, the brew’s aroma is filled with caramel malts, a small dose of citrusy hops, and a vanilla character that grows stronger as it’s allowed to breathe. The flavor begins big with dark fruit, rich caramel sweetness and aggressive hops, but as it warms, the barrel’s vanilla notes begin to blend with the sweet barleywine, adding a savory component that enhances the beer’s sweetness and pleasantly encases its pithy orange character. While the mouthfeel is full, its high carbonation cleans the palate, allowing for a fairly sweet finish that doesn’t weigh too heavy.
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