DRAFT REVIEW: Brooklyn Brown Ale

This exceptionally clear brew pours an appealing cola color with mahogany accents and a whispery tan head. Sweet caramel and slightly nutty aromas waft up from the drink, while bright citrus hops and subtle mouthwatering raisin and fresh plum notes thread the bouquet. Despite the aromatic foreplay, Brooklyn Brown Ale’s very light on the tongue; balanced and caramel-smooth, but not brawny. A toasted character emerges mid-swallow, bringing with it an astringency that blends with solid hop bitterness in the back of the throat. While hops provide a gentle citrusy, resinous flavor in the aftertaste, it mainly informs the bitterness, engendering a clean finish. This brew is both complex and interesting; turning up the volume on the flavors would let it truly shine.