Mendocino is one of the country’s oldest craft breweries, and its brewing quality has been a hallmark from the beginning. When Mendocino introduced this spring seasonal for the first time this year, it did not go unnoticed. The beer is orange-golden with a tan, creamy head that dissipates quickly. Its aroma displays a lot of malt qualities, such as burnt sugar and subtle dark fruits, but also gentle hop spice and alcohol notes. As expected, this has a big malt flavor throughout the tasting experience, beginning with caramel and moving into minor grape qualities. The hop bitterness is evident without being dominant, keeping itself in check on the sides of the mouth and back of the throat. Bock Beer is medium-full-bodied, highly carbonated, and has a gentle alcohol presence in the back of the mouth. This beer finishes clean; the mild sweetness balances appropriately with subtle hop spice.

