DRAFT REVIEW: Hale's Pale American Ale
Hale's Pale American Ale
Hale's Ales Brewery and Pub
Seattle, WA
American Pale Ale
ABV: 4.8%
IBU: 35
Hale’s pours clear and orange, topped by a modest crown. Its aromas are nearly perfect for the style: Bready malts and grassy, grapefruity hops swirl through each other and mingle pleasantly in the nose. Best tasted with a big gulp to saturate the entire palate, this light-bodied beer sinks into the tongue with firm, bready sweetness, while a zingy hop profile ignites. The hops evolve brilliantly; grapefruit, floral, and assertive bitter tastes all flow harmoniously through the swallow. Hale’s finishes dry and clean, the end to a complex and genuinely refreshing example of the style.
