DRAFT REVIEW: Pete's Wicked Ale

The ubiquitous Pete's Wicked Ale is one of the most readily available brown ales from America. It has graced store shelves for more than a decade and has consistently been enjoyed by droves of people starting down the road to better beer. Brown ales are often sweeter than many styles, but Pete's takes that a step further. Toffee and caramel sweetness hit the front of your tongue from the first sip. The slightest hint of diacetyl is present in the flavor, but it doesn't affect the mouthfeel or aroma. While thick, the body isn't cloying and the American hops help to dry out the finish. Aromas of toasted grains and earthy notes of grass and spice are hidden behind the malt, but as this beer warms the phenols begin to show themselves more fully. It's no surprise this beer is so popular and so easy to drink.