DRAFT REVIEW: Gumballhead

This beer is bold, beautiful and slightly insane. Gumballhead starts unassuming enough: clear and gold with a cream head. However, the first whiff signals that this is no ordinary beer. The aroma is intense, massively hopped with piny, resinous, and grapefruit notes, leaving little space for any malt characteristics. The brew’s taste starts with lightly toasted malts, but then gives way to an avalanche of hops ranging from the expected citrus and delicate floral to aggressive, sticky and resinous, all lending a powerful bitterness. There is very little wheat detected in the brew, only a slight tartness toward the back of the palate in the finish. Gumballhead is medium-bodied, with average carbonation and smooth alcohol presence, and finishes dry with a mild toasted-barley aftertaste. This all-American take on the wheat beer is certain to be a hophead favorite.