DRAFT REVIEW: Organic Pilsner
Organic Pilsner
Butte Creek Brewing Company
Chico, CA
German Pilsner
ABV: 4.5%
IBU: 25
Brewed in the shadows of the world-famous brewery in the same city, Butte Creek is often overlooked by regional beer enthusiasts. However, with an aggresive marketing campaign and quality beers, the brewers at Butte Creek are working hard to change this, and succeeding. The pilsner is straw-yellow in color with brilliant clarity and a white, frothy head. Its aroma is slightly grassy and sweet; crisp and clean. In line with tradition, this pilsner is very drinkable with a thin, soft body. Beginning with bready notes, it's quickly balanced by floral, spicy, and peppery hop charactersitics. Butte Creek finishes dry and clean, with minor lingering hop bitterness and high carbonation. This beer is certain to be a thirst-quencher.
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