DRAFT REVIEW: Organic Hefe-Weizen
  • Organic Hefe-Weizen
  • Brauerei Pinkus Müller
  • Münster,
  • Official Website

  • ABV: 5.1%
  • IBU: 20

This ale from Western Germany is one of the few European organic brews available in the United States. Brauerei Pinkus Muller was also the first 100 percent organic brewery in the world, so it's safe to assume the brewers know what they're doing with fresh ingredients. The light golden color is surprisingly transparent for an unfiltered German wheat beer. The aroma is citrusy and unexpectedly void of the deeper fruits and spicy esters that this style is known for. The taste is comparable to the aroma, but also offers a refreshing quality that complements the beer's light to moderate body. So much different from the other hefeweizens we tried, this beer almost seems like a kristallweizen.

