DRAFT REVIEW: Hefeweizen
  • Hefeweizen
  • Christian Moerlein Brewing Company
  • Springdale, OH
  • Official Website

  • ABV: 5.4%
  • IBU: 10

Christian Moerlein claims this beer is better than any craft or imported version of a hefeweizen. We do have to admit, this brewery has come up with one quality hefeweizen. (Or perhaps more appropriately, Lion Brewery in Pennsylvania, which contract brews this beer, has crafted a quality brew.) The aroma starts this brew nicely with clove and hop scents. The flavor is dominated by the yeast taste and the banana and citrusy flavors that the yeast impart. There is also a citrusy character to this beer, which lasts through the finish. Overall, because of its simplicity, this hefeweizen is highly drinkable and enjoyable.