DRAFT REVIEW: Michael Shea's Irish Amber
Michael Shea's Irish Amber
High Falls Brewing Co.
Rochester, NY
Irish Red Ale
ABV: 4.6%
IBU: Unknown
This beer does a fine job of staying full and satiating, considering it is a lager. A malty brew with many bready, biscuity flavors and aromas, this beer's hops are very soft in the bouquet but slightly more prevalent in the bitterness. The head was a bit weak and the beer could have gotten rid of the slight grain bitterness, but it was very clean throughout -- obviously a trait of the lager yeast. From the same brewery that makes old favorites like Genesse Cream Ale and JW Dundee's Honey Brown, Michael Shea's Irish Amber upholds the brewery's strong tradition of good beer.

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