Brouwerij West MorMor

Your Daily Pint for Monday, June 30, 2014, is: BROUWERIJ WEST MOR MOR

What it is: A 10%-ABV Belgian-style quadrupel.

What it tastes like: It’s not for the weak: A huge flavor of figs, raisins and molasses with lots of booze and a pop of drying, fruity Belgian yeast overtakes the swallow. The beer shows its American roots with novel old ale notes of dusty hops, cherry, leather and tobacco. In all, it’s a thoughtful version that wakes up the storied style.

Quad city: New to Belgian quads? Introduce your palate to the style with St. Bernardus Abt 12 and Trappistes Rochefort 10, then try an American version like Avery’s incredible The Reverend. Then put Westvleteren 12 on your beer bucket list.

Brewery art: Beyond awesome beer, Brouwerij West serves up some of the best artwork out there—on labels and beyond. You can score frame-worthy artist’s prints at the brewery’s online store.

Posted on Monday, June 30th, 2014