Robust Porter 

Malty, dark and medium-bodied, robust porters fall between subtler brown porters and full-bodied,
higher-ABV Baltic porters. These porters exude roasty aromas from tan heads, while more roasty dryness and, sometimes, a slightly burnt flavor mark the taste. Luscious dark malt flavors occasionally receive a bitter boost from moderate hopping; other versions offer chocolate or coffee flavors (be careful not to confuse those versions with darker, creamier stouts). An industrial beer that came of age with 18th-century England’s Industrial Revolution, this style was originally intended as a working-class refresher; thus, good porters are never as thick as they seem in the glass.
Pair: Match a robust porter’s blackened quality with the same characteristic in smoked sausages or barbecue. Just snacking? Creamy, earthy Gruyere cheese holds up well against this style’s bold flavors, and peanut butter brownies augment the beer’s warm, malty notes.