DRAFT REVIEW: Brune Abbey Ale
Brune Abbey Ale
St. Feuillien Brewery
7070 Le Rœulx, Belgium
Belgian Dubbel
ABV: 7.5%
IBU: 21
This is a prime example of a well-made Belgian dubbel: complex and rich with flavor, and an elevated yet restrained alcohol presence. It is reddish-brown with a large foamy head that sticks to the glass. The aroma beckons with figs, raisins, and brown sugar sweetness and a slight alcohol tinge on the nose. Its flavor starts with caramelized malt, sweet and nearly burnt, then moves to fermentation qualities that taste similar to the brew’s aroma with an added hint of cherry. Its finish is dry with spicy and peppery notes that play well into the aftertaste.  
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