Home Recipes Beer Nog

Beer Nog

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It’s not just the novelty of it: For those who hanker for the rich, creamy and boozy, beer nog is one of those rare gestalts. By itself, homemade eggnog is nearly unrivaled for sheer naughtiness and holiday cheer. Yet a portion of strong ale—barleywine, Belgian strong, Christmas beer—adds a welcome flavor dimension while carbonation lightens the thick, noggy texture in the same way that root beer livens up an ice cream float. Start with your favorite imperial stout; roasted and caramelized malts marry the creamy sweetness and spices for a heartwarming holiday union.

Makes: 4 servings

  • 4 fresh eggs
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1½ cups whole milk
  • 1 cup cream
  • 2 dashes ground nutmeg or mace
  • 4 ounces strong ale
  • ½ ounce bourbon or dark rum


1. Separate the eggs. Beat the sugar into the yolks until smooth.

2. Stir the milk and cream into the yolk mixture. Add 1 dash spice and the whiskey or rum. (Some recipes call for as much as 4 ounces of liquor; here, a bit of warmth is welcome, but too much can overwhelm the beer's flavor.)

3. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form; fold into the nog mixture.

4. Divide the beer into serving glasses; top off with the nog mixture and serve. Optional: Reserve some of the cream, whip and add a dollop to each glass. Sprinkle 1 dash of spice on top and serve.


Choose a Belgian Dark Strong Ale for this recipe

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