Top 10 Harvest Beers

Embrace the flavors and scents of the season with beers that pay tribute to the harvest.

Sierra Nevada Estate Homegrown Ale

For this beer, the brewers double as farmers when they reap this IPA’s barley and hops from Sierra Nevada’s own fields. The result is one of the few commercially accessible estate beers. Piney and citrusy with  biscuity, caramel notes, this brew’s a real seasonal treat.

Southern Tier Harvest Ale

In celebration of nature’s bounty, Southern Tier brewers throw English hops into just about every stage of this ESB’s brewing process. All those hops counter the fresh malted barley’s sweet toffee and biscuit flavors.

Boulevard Harvest Dance Wheat Wine

A grim reaper dances with fresh-cut wheat on the label of this seasonal packed with sharp wheat, tropical fruit notes and significant alcohol strength. French- and American-oak aging lend a woody finish.

Deschutes Hop Trip

This wet-hopped ale crams 680 pounds of fresh Crystal hops plucked from a Salem, Oregon farm into the 120-barrel batch, which translates into loads of bold piney, citrusy hop notes.

Big Boss Harvest Time Pumpkin Ale

North Carolina’s Big Boss unites its proprietary spice mix with ripe pumpkins for a pumpkin pie sensation sprinkled with clove, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Long Trail Harvest

Inspired by English-style brown ales, this seasonal brew weaves caramel through biscuity, nutty malt flavors; the bold malt presence pairs perfectly with the hearty, farm-fresh dishes of the season.

Abita Pecan Harvest

Straight from Cajun country, this amber pays tribute to Louisiana’s pecan crop. Oil from the toasted nuts punctuates the brew’s finish, while wisps of caramel sweetness thread each sip.

New Belgium Lips of Faith Fall Wild Ale

An ode to autumn brewed with sour Schisandra berries, this Belgian-style dubbel underscores tart berry and dark stone fruit flavors with an earthy Brett funk.

Port Brewing High Tide

Roughly 180 pounds of fresh Yakima Valley hops in each batch make this beer burst with orange, lemon, tangerine and floral aromas and steamroll the senses with bold orange-pine hop flavor.

Short’s Funkin Punkin

This graham-cracker colored brew—fermented with seasonal pumpkin and a secret blend of spices—is a dead ringer for pumpkin pie.