Beer bread pudding: Easiest dessert ever
January/February 2013

If your default, there’s-nothing-better-on-TV-right-now show is “Chopped,” you’d fit right in at our office. And if you’re like us, somewhere amid your manic armchair cheffing (“Cut those pork chops off the bone!”; “Ugh, I could have done so much better with those goji berries.”), you’ve noticed that everyone hates making desserts. The precision and patience required of pastry exceeds the competition’s time constraints. And so, almost everybody turns to bread pudding: Warm, sweet and sticky with no flour leveling or dough proofing, it’s dessert with the hard work already done—which is why it’s one of this office’s favorite post-dinner treats, too. Ours, of course, has beer inside, and blissfully diet-busting jelly donuts as the bready base. We can only hope that if we ever find ourselves on “Chopped,” there’s a cherry brew in the pantry.

Published January/February 2013
Our favorite bread pudding (of course) has beer inside, and blissfully diet-busting jelly donuts as the bready base.