Founders Dark Penance

Dark Penance

Your Daily Pint for Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014: FOUNDERS DARK PENANCE

What it is: A new imperial black IPA From Founders

What it tastes like: The aroma sweeps through the nose with chocolatey malts and brooding, earthy hop scents. Dark chocolate carries through a creamy mouthfeel, while hop bitterness, like citrus pith chases the swallow. A bitter char note singes in the finish alongside some earthy hop bitterness, while alcohol warmth glows pleasantly in the throat.

Upping the dark side: Black IPAs are designed to strike a balance between roasted malt bitterness and hop bitterness; this imperialized version’s 8.9% adds a boozy element to the finish, but it works out well.

Pair: Try this brew with a big, juicy steak.


Posted on Tuesday, October 7th, 2014