Capital Wisconsin Amber

Wisconsin Amber
Your Daily Pint for Friday, Sept. 19, 2014 is: CAPITAL WISCONSIN AMBER

What it is: a 5.2%-ABV amber lager

What it tastes like: Fresh baked bread scents prelude a quick malty wash of bready sweetness; floral, citrusy hops accent the swallow and lend a clean bitter bite to each snappy sip.

We love lagers: With all the hype surrounding IPAs and wild ales, lagers seem to be a highly under-appreciated beer category. But lagers aren’t relegated to the type of beer you see during NFL commercial breaks. There are hoppy lagers, sturdy cellarable lagers, and, well, basically a lager for every occasion. Lager up!

Badger country: Capital’s home of Middleton, Wis., is just a few miles west of Madison, which means it’s in the heart of Badger country. If you find yourself in area this college football season, check out these must-visit spots (plus a few other guides for Big Ten towns).

Posted on Friday, September 19th, 2014