Home Beer Editor The art of barrel-aged beer

The art of barrel-aged beer

CATEGORIES: Beer Editor  

I’m really loving the high-quality videos coming out from breweries these days—which goes to show beer doesn’t necessarily need to be on TV in order to engage the masses. Check out this new video release from Full Sail, which gives a behind-the-scenes look on their barrel-aging program.

Of course, if you’re curious about how to store big, barrel-aged beers like the ones in the video, swing by DRAFT’s Our Cellar blog.


Chris Staten is DRAFT’s beer editor. Follow him on Twitter at @DRAFTbeereditor and email him at chris.staten@draftmag.org.


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One Comment

  • Charter Oak Brewing Company LLC says:

    We enjoy reading about all the beers and beer stories this blog reports on. We are in the planning stages for a new brewery in Northeastern USA called Charter Oak Brewing Company LLC and our business plan is to grow to over 25,000BBL within 5 years.
    The breweries and stories you report on, allow for much encouragement.

    A True Legend!

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