Home Beer Runner Writer takes on the Kona Beer Mile

Writer takes on the Kona Beer Mile

"Misfit clownshow" isn't exactly the best way to describe the race.
CATEGORIES: Beer Runner  


Kona beer mile winner Alex Libin crosses the finish line

Kona is known as the home of the Ironman Triathlon championships, which gathers obsessively fit type-A athletes. And now, it’s also home to the Beer Mile.

This year, “Triathlon” magazine sent a writer to cover the unofficial event, which takes place the night before the Ironman competition.

At first, “Triathlon” writer Chris Foster thought he would “destroy this misfit clownshow” when he briefly took the lead after the first lap. But then, he discovered the real challenge of the beer mile, which he describes this way:

“I don’t know where I finished (it was nowhere near the podium) or what time I got (which seems irrelevant given the loose interpretation of the course and the sobriety of the measurers), but I know that after everyone caught their breath and grabbed another beer (another!?), I spent the next hour sweating inappropriately and alternating between nauseated and flat-out vomity. I never actually barfed, but I bet it would have been great.”

Read the full account here.


Tim Cigelske is DRAFT's Beer Runner. (Beer Run•ner [noun]: Someone equally devoted to fine beer appreciation and an active, healthy lifestyle. Ex. "John downed four microbrews at the triathlon finish line. He's a total beer runner.”) Follow Tim on Twitter @TheBeerRunner, and email him at beerrunner [at] draftmag.org.


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