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Posts by : The Beer Runner

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Tim Cigelske is DRAFT's Beer Runner. (Beer Run•ner [noun]: Someone equally devoted to fine beer appreciation and an active, healthy lifestyle. Ex. "John downed four microbrews at the triathlon finish line. He's a total beer runner.”) Follow Tim on Twitter @TheBeerRunner, and email him at beerrunner [at] draftmag.org.

Hood to Coast isn’t just the best running movie I’ve ever seen. It may be the first movie I’ve seen that prominently features beer …

Almost 1/5 of the way through my 365-day running and beer-drinking experiment.

One of the most epic beer races of all time.

What are the can’t-miss places for running and beer drinking in Vegas?

To complement DRAFT’s 12 breweries to watch in 2011, here are 12 Beer Runners to watch.

Celebrating running and drinking beer every day for more than 7 consecutive weeks.

“Five miles from the finish, I like a beer.”

Johns Hopkins researchers say food tastes better when you work hard for it.

What’s most important to a Beer Runner?

In honor of World Running Day, here are 50 more reasons to love running.

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